Saturday 3 February 2018

외환 거래 플래너 인쇄물

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ANCIENT Trading SECRET. Warning After implementing the strategies contained in this e-book people may think you have insider trading. A trading reality so revolutionary that you are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you can get your hands on this information. Dear friend Every single Master Trader, past and present has somehow found the secret I am about to share with you either consciously or unconsciously Listen very carefully As astounding as it may seem there is the figure of a man on every financial chart, and all markets move according to the biomechanics of a walking human. NOTE There is no difference between stocks and forex All markets are subject to the same laws and react exactly the same Futures, commodities and anything else who s motion can be plotted on a chart graph. Think about this - if you are using the same tired techniques everyone else is using then you can naturally expect the same results - wouldn t you agree.30 MINUTES A DAY. NO COMPLEX MATHEMATICS. This is not a Gann system It is not a Stock system, a Forex system or Futures system etc It is the system of the universe which can be applied to trading any market You will know without doubt. When to enter a trade. 가장 중요한 사이드 라인에 앉을 때. 정류장을 어디에 두어야하는지 알려지지 않습니다. 언제 수익을 올릴 수 있습니다. 거래를 종료 할 때. When to add to your position. 금융 독립에 승리하는 거래를 합성하는 방법. 이 시스템은 모든 시장에서 작동합니다. 날씨의 차트가 있다면 그 차트에서도 그 사람을 볼 수 있습니다. 완전히 설명 된이 150 페이지 거래 매뉴얼은 이해하기 쉽습니다. 중요한 것을 볼 수 있다면 그것을 생각할 수 있습니다. 80 profitable trades. 모든 시장에서 수익을 내며 하루, 스윙 및 하루 종일 거래합니다. 구매할 비싼 차트 작성 소프트웨어가 없습니다. 차트와 남성의 법은 시장의 전환점을 감지하는 독점적 인 경향 반전 시스템입니다. 경향이 소진되면 3 일에서 7 일 사이에 반대 방향으로 수정해야합니다. 시장에 진입하고 복용하면서 전환점을 활용합니다 이익은. 신호 생성은 100 객관적이고 기계적입니다. 분석가의 의견, 신념, 조언 또는 비전에 의존하지 않습니다. 이는 시장 및 내 인생 이야기의 역사를 설명하는 책이 아닙니다. 이것은 거래 매뉴얼입니다. 이 책은 아닙니다. 일반적인 사람을 위해서만 당신은 매트릭스를 통해 볼 수있는 비전이 있다면 당신은 마음을 불어 넣을 정보가 필요합니다. 그래서 인간 무인 항공기는이 정보를 필요가 없습니다. 빨간 알약을 먹고 거래 행렬을 깨거나 가져 가라. 파란 알약과 캔자스로 돌아가. 어디서나 이런 건 본적이 없어. 이건 곰 같은 피봇 반전이다. 바닥이 너의 표적이다. 그의 머리 위가 너의 멈추다. 그의 중력의 중심은 피벗 포인트이다. 일단 그의 센 당신이이 물질을 흡수하면 왜 고대인들이 사람이 신의 이미지로 만들어 졌다고 느꼈는지를 이해할 것입니다. 이 시스템은 자연의 보편적 법칙에 기반을두고 있습니다. 당신이해야 할 일은 차트를 분석하는 것입니다 거래 하루가 끝날 때 하루에 30 분 동안 거래하는 시장 네, 당신은 돈 거래를 할 수 있고 여전히 생명력을 가질 수 있습니다. 시간의 길이를 거래했다면 나는 당신이 알아 차렸을 것입니다. 누군가와 당신이 누군지 알아 내기 위해 충격을받을 것입니다. 그들은 운영자라고 불립니다. 당신의 손해액이 타격을 입을 때마다 시장은 반전 될 것이고 원래의 방향으로 나아가십시오. 흔들림이 발생했습니다. 뉴스 발표가있을 때마다 시장은 예상에 따라 이동하기 전에 상인의 기대에 따라 움직입니다. 가짜라고 불렀습니다. 흔들림과 가짜의 표적이 누구인지 아십니까? It is you The small retail investor and you are called a weak hand. THE MAN ON THE CHARTS WILL LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD EVEN OPERATORS ARE SUBJECT TO THE LAWS OF NATURE. Markets have a structure and it is the structure of a man Can a man rise from this posture in the illustration below Of course not and neither can a market. He cannot because he has no balance What if you could see any market like this You see, markets are also subject to balance Have you ever heard of the balance of supply and demand I bet you have in Economics 101.There are three elements of market motion These three universal laws apply to everything in motion. This trading manual is full of illustrations like the ones you see above. Free Money Management Template. Download the new Vertex42 Money Manager for Microsoft Excel - by Jon Wittwer. Are you looking for free money management software It has long been my goal to create a simple, macro-free, money management spreadsheet that provides the same functionality as basic bu dgeting and money management software A simple spreadsheet will never do everything that dedicated software can do, but the new Vertex42 Money Management Template comes amazingly close If you are not ready for a budget and just want a simple way to track your money, try the new Money Tracker template. Origins The money manager emerged from the combination of my budget planner monthly budget and checkbook register templates You get all of the features of each of these templates, but with significant improvements. As a preliminary caution you should be comfortable using a spreadsheet and understand that spreadsheets are fairly error-prone By that I mean that even if the spreadsheet is completely free of errors at FIRST, there is no guarantee that you won t accidentally introduce errors yourself With that said, download and enjoy. Money Management Template. for Excel and OpenOffice. Download the Vertex42 Money Manager - a free Money Management Template for Excel that lets you track expenses an d manage your budget.- Create a Yearly Budget to make future projections, handle variable income plan for irregular expenses non-monthly , and budget variable expenses like seasonal electricity or water bills.- Record Transactions for multiple accounts all in a single worksheet Include your Credit Card account s , Checking account s , Savings account s , and even an account to represent your Cash, Purse, or Wallet.- Balance Your Checkbook - the Transaction history table includes a Cleared Balance that makes it easy to compare to your bank statement s Use the reconcile R column in the table to enter cleared c and reconciled R transactions You can enter split transactions and transfers between accounts Use the built-in Excel autofiltering to display transactions for a single account or all accounts. Monthly Budget Report.- Track Your Monthly Spending using the monthly budget report which includes graphs, compares budget vs actual amounts, and is updated automatically as you enter transact ions Just change the Year and Month to view the report for a different month.- Track Your Yearly Spending Excel 2010 version only Update 9 2 2014 - Due to frequent requests for a yearly report, I have added a new worksheet that calculates an Income Expense Report for an entire year grouped by month This may be helpful for creating the following year s budget. We ve created a Weekly Budget template that is based on the money manager It includes the transactions and the weekly report all on one worksheet.10 10 2016 Update XLSX version only A separate Accounts worksheet was added for editing the list of accounts and summarizing the balances in each account A new Tags column was added to the Transactions worksheet to let you add your own unique tags as needed For example, tags would allow you to filter or search for specific expenses that might cross over multiple categories, such as a CAR1 or CAR2 tag for tracking expenses associated with a specific vehicle. How to Use the Money Management Template. I ve included a detailed set of instructions inside the workbook itself Please read through those instructions They contain very important tips, guidelines, and examples. Watch the Demo Video. Trade binary tetouan. 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